Visits from across Scotland

The abbey has welcomed recent visitors from Edinburgh, Kilsyth and Aberlour.


A group of young adults from the Catholic Cathedral Parish in Edinburgh spent the weekend 22-24 April at Pluscarden, receiving several talks from members of the community, and participating in our liturgy and silent prayer.


Under the leadership of their parish priest, Fr. Daniel Doherty, the altar-servers of St. Patrick's Church, Kilsyth, enjoyed a spiritual weekend at the Abbey, 29 April - 31 May.


On Monday 2nd May, Rt. Rev. Dr. Angus Morrison, Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, visited Pluscarden Abbey, together with his wife Marion and the Minister of Aberlour.  He was given a tour of the Abbey by Fr. Benedict Hardy, the Abbey's Prior, and Br. Michael de Klerk, the Abbey's cellarer.