News & Events

The Closing of Pluscarden and Birnie Kirks

Sunday 26 November 2023, the Feast of Christ the King, marked the closing of Pluscarden Kirk; a landmark building that is noted by everyone who approaches the Abbey from the Elgin side. So ends official Presbyterean worship in our valley. This began not with the Scottish Reformation in 1560, but only in about 1736, when the first Kirk Minister was appointed.

Foundations - November 2023

The builders of our new St. Joseph's Guest House continue their work according to schedule. In fact they have work sheets which set out exactly what is to be achieved each day, what and who is required for that, and also how much it will cost. They all seem to work very hard, with great competence and efficiency, as do the many fascinating and large machines, which come and go according to need.

The Tom Donald Chant and Piano improvisation Project

Nobody had ever before asked us to collaborate in a project putting together Gregorian Chant and live improvised Piano. When we receive odd requests, we usually attempt to respond with a sweet smile. This will normally be followed by a straight No, or possibly by lengthy prevarication, which usually comes to the same thing. In this case the request was repeated, and more than once. Um… ah… well… Then some phone conversations took place; then some discussion on our own side; some more prevarication, followed by two or three visits. Then: we know this is a big risk, but because - just perhaps - it will give glory to God; we know this sounds crazy, but Yes!

Summer Charity Concert

On Thursday 17 August John Mustard's Cello Studio and friends put on a fund raising concert in our Abbey Church.The beneficiaries of the evening were two. First our own new Guest House building Project. Then quite a new local charity called SurfABLE. This organisation helps people with impaired abilities to enjoy the surf around the Moray Firth coast line.