
Living the Faith in the World of Today

The 2023 Pluscarden Pentecost Lectures to be given by Fr Richard Price

…This series of talks addresses a broad range of problems – from that of living in an increasingly godless society to that posed by doubts as to how read Scripture.

It speaks of the need to cultivate one’s own spiritual perception of the world, and uses an autobiography by a nineteenth-century Italian to illustrate how to maintain Christian patience and charity in a context where we have to depend on our inner resources rather on a supportive environment, for that is the situation of a Christian today.

Homily for the 27th Sunday Year C: Luke 17:5-10; DJC

The Gospel today begins immediately with an urgent request from the apostles to Jesus: Increase our faith! (Luke 17:5) It is their response to Jesus’ teaching on forgiveness, which is not included in today’s passage: that we are to rebuke our neighbour if they sin against us and forgive our neighbour as many times as they sincerely ask our forgiveness - literally “seven” times, which in the Jewish terms of the day meant without limit.

Homily for the 8 o’clock Mass, Sunday 14B, 4 July 2021: Mark 6:1-6

St. Mark tells us in today’s Gospel that in Nazareth, Jesus “could work no miracle”. This certainly cannot mean there was any absolute limitation to Jesus’ power. St. Mark records him elsewhere healing lepers, giving sight to the blind, driving out demons, raising the dead. In Mark’s Gospel Jesus rebukes the storm and it ceases; he walks on water; he twice multiplies loaves. He is put to death, and three days later he rises again, as he said he would.