Good Shepherd

Homily for the 8 o’clock Mass, Sunday 7 May 2023, Easter 5A, John 14:1-12

Have I been with you all this time, Philip, and you still do not know me? (14:9)

Philip has been living in constant companionship with Jesus now for three years. Philip knows that Jesus is deeply, consistently good; that he walks with God in holiness of life; that he possesses power, and wisdom, and authority, such as no other man has ever done. Philip has listened to Jesus teaching, both publicly and privately. He has witnessed his miracles, seen him at prayer, observed his clashes with the Jewish religious leaders. Based on all that, Philip has no doubt whatever that Jesus is from God. With Peter and the other disciples, Philip has concluded that Jesus fulfils in himself all the prophecies of Israel: that he is indeed the promised Messiah. But still, Philip does not yet know Jesus.