Visit of Br. Patrick's Mother 

It might be thought scarcely newsworthy when a mother visits her son in the monastery. But for Mrs. Catherine Obiejinwa and her son Br. Patrick, this was indeed a major event, and not only because it was their first meeting in over 4 years. Mrs. Obiejinwa has never travelled before in all her life, and getting a UK Tourist Visa is by no means either easy or cheap.

Br. Patrick first came here in the summer of 2018. By divine Providence his Pluscarden novice master happened to visit Nigeria in January 2019, and was able to drop in then on the family home. Shortly after that Br. Patrick returned to enter here as a postulant. He is now a Junior monk in temporary vows.

Now at last Br. Patrick's mother has been able to visit her son. She has been kitted out with Western clothes, because temperatures here are definitely lower than what she is used to!