Foundations - November 2023

The builders of our new St. Joseph's Guest House continue their work according to schedule. In fact they have work sheets which set out exactly what is to be achieved each day, what and who is required for that, and also how much it will cost. They all seem to work very hard, with great competence and efficiency, as do the many fascinating and large machines, which come and go according to need.

The site is now adorned with six bright blue containers, housing offices, facilities and stores for the work force.

All the underground plumbing arrangements for the new building are now in place. On top of them: first of all insulation; then two feet of reinforced concrete. Of course encased in all that is a specially blessed medal of St. Benedict, according to venerable custom, with an invocation of his blessing on the Project.

Our pictures show how the concrete is delivered from the lorry mixer exactly as required: sucked up in a highly mobile pipe and injected from there with precision, and minimal human effort.